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During the seminars, he delivered lectures on Industry 4.0, integrating elements of the Toyota Production System (TPS) such as Just-In-Time (JIT), Kanban, and visual management from Japanese manufacturing sites. The lectures also covered the latest technologies, including AI and IoT. Using processes aligned with our association's DX Process Guidelines, participants engaged in group work and discussions, creating a lively and interactive atmosphere.


Additionally, the seminars introduced the SECI model by Professor Nonaka, fostering discussions on how to disseminate tacit knowledge within organizations, rather than solely focusing on technology.


Our association's involvement in AOTS projects, such as local training in Indonesia and spreading Japan's Industry 4.0 and DX to Vietnam and many other countries, has become increasingly vital in bridging Japan with the world.


Moving forward, we aim to expand internationally, establishing ourselves as the leading certification and organization for Industry 4.0 and DX for small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan.